Introduction: A Free World Class Education

Author: Anthony McConnell – Principal Kipling Elementary School

“I believe the way we teach and learn is at a once-a-millennium turning point” – Salman Khan – page 1

I couldn’t agree with Mr. Khan more. We are at a special place in time where we have the tools and knowledge to break free from an old model of schooling and transform our schools into places of active learning. The introduction to the book sets up a passionate framework for the chapters that follow.

In the introduction you begin to see some insight into the core beliefs that drove the journey of Khan Academy forward. Khan Academy began with one man making videos to help his cousin with math. However, it has become something that has us asking the question – Is it finally possible to break the mold and change how we do education? I’m not talking about just using technology. That alone will not change anything as you can see in the image below. But how can we leverage technology to transform learning?

Old and New Classroom

A Turning Point in History

This possibility is brought about by the point we are in history. Even though I had access to technology in elementary school it was not readily available for use. I think my school had two computers. But more importantly we did not have access to the internet. It has been amazing to witness the change from all the knowledge being contained in books and embodied in a person (the teacher) to all the information being at our fingertips. Not only do all of our students have access to technology, they all have access to what is essentially the collective knowledge of the world at any moment they desire – literally in the palms of their hands.

“We are now still in an early stage of an inflection point that I believe is the most consequential in history: The Information Revolution. And in this revolution, the pace of change is so swift that deep creativity and analytical thinking are no longer optional; they are not luxuries but survival skills” – Salman Khan – page 6&7

In the world for which we are preparing our students it is not important to simply have the knowledge. Instead we must ask ourselves – How do we analyze and use the information to ultimately create something new from it? Their world requires preparation and creation.


One of the interesting things about Khan Academy is exploring the question of Why has it thrived? What has made Khan Academy grow so much and so fast? What does the growth of Khan Academy tell us about the state of education? Why are millions of students utilizing Khan Academy as a way to learn? And what does that say about learning in general?

We saw this firsthand at Kipling Elementary School last year when we were participating in the Learnstorm Challenge through Khan Academy. We had students completely committed to growing and learning through the use of Khan Academy. They would ask the teacher for help when they got stuck or needed support. But they were growing in math faster than any students I have seen and were surpassing our curriculum maps in their spare time.

It was great and awesome as Kipling won two of the three learnstorm cups. But aside from being excited about the learning and the winning. As a group of educators, we should consider why our students found this an effective way to learn? What can we learn about teaching and learning in all other subject areas from that experience?

Does the growth of an endeavor like Khan Academy tell us that “signs are pointing to a fundamentally different future for education – above all, an active self paced future?” – Salman Khan – page 9

What Kind of Learner are You?

The truth is that we are all better learners when we are active learners. We are the ultimate report card on ourselves as even from a young age we know what we are doing well at and what we need to work on. What if instead of putting a specific piece of grade level content into a child’s head (based solely on the reasoning that it is February and they are 8 and that is what you are supposed to learn in February when you are 8) we flipped the system and instead lit the fire under the learner to help them drive their own learning.

“Can watching video lessons or using interactive software make people smart? No. But I would argue that it can do something even better: create a context in which people can give free rein to their curiosity and natural love of learning, so that they realize they are already smart.” Salman Khan- page 111


When students are motivated and in charge of their own learning active learning is happening by default.

This all leads up to the basic premise of the book.

“Formal education must change. It needs to be brought into closer alignment with the world as it actually is; in closer harmony with the way human beings actually learn and thrive.” – Salman Khan – page 11

Please join in the discussion in the comments below: What has your experience been as a learner? How have you learned best? Do you agree or disagree with points made in the introduction?

Welcome to Our Book Study of The One World Schoolhouse

Welcome to this blog of the staff of Kipling Elementary School. We are excited to be exploring Sal Khan’s The One World Schoolhouse for our book study this first half of the 16-17 school year. Every few days a new post will be shared. Each of the posts will address content from a chapter or two from the book. These posts, written by our teachers and special guest bloggers, will attempt to spark discussion on this blog regarding the topic of the chapter. Subscribe so that you can get an update when a new post is made and join in the learning. Please share your comments too!